The Forum is where those interested in the history of the village can engage, whether to create a broader debate on any of the monthly blogs, suggest a future topic that would be of interest, or start up a discussion on anything relating to Stanwell Moor's past.
This is a place where folks can share first-hand family stories about the village, or raise third-hand stories they've heard over the years, both are welcome! However, the goal should be to create a healthy debate or discussion while capturing as many facts to keep our history alive, so please feel free to be as nostalgic and go as far back (in time) as you like!! And if you have pictures of places that you can either identify or would like help to identify, please feel free to share...just remember this is a public website.
To be clear, this is NOT the place to talk about current issues or concerns, and if you have specific issues that are affecting you right now, please contact either the SMRA, your local Councillor or County Councillor.
At all times please stay respectful and courteous to your fellow Forum members, and if we see any topics that are straying off the path or abusive in any way, we will use the delete key as soon as possible!!